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Health and safety at work

Create a safe and healthy workplace, protect your employees, and meet international standards.

Protect your most valuable asset

Food Trust helps you create a safe and healthy workplace, protecting your employees from hazards and optimizing your processes, in accordance with international standards and regulations.

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Some of the benefits

  • Reduction in accidents and illnesses.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Improved employee morale and engagement.
  • Enhanced company reputation.
  • Compliance with regulations.
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Drafting of ISO 45001 studies.
Consultancy services for compliance with international standards and regulations.
Internal ISO 22000 audits.
Facility audits and inspection reports.
Facility design and process optimization for health and safety.
Consultancy services related to ADR regulations (dangerous goods transportation).
Consultancy services related to driver labor regulations (tachograph).
ATEX explosion risk assessments.